
Is Bruxism Causing My Sleep Apnea?

Bruxism (teeth grinding) can ruin your smile and wreak havoc on oral health. Bruxism causes uneven wear on your teeth, gum problems, and even tooth breakage. Also, bruxism can be the culprit behind a condition that affects nearly 18 million Americans, sleep apnea. If it's been a while since you've enjoyed a restful night's sleep, a trip to the dentist... read more »

Tips to Get Kids to Enjoy Brushing!

Every parent wants their child to have a beautiful, healthy smile. Along with getting them to eat their vegetables, getting children to develop healthy oral habits is a challenge. If it isn't corrected, poor dental hygiene can lead to problems like cavities, tartar build-up, and infections. As a family practice, we can focus on the unique needs of children to help them... read more »

Is Charcoal Toothpaste Worth the Hype?

Everyone wants a smile that brightens up the room. A trendy way most people try to have a beautiful smile is using charcoal toothpaste. Many well-known toothpaste brands have started selling their version of charcoal toothpaste. Although charcoal-infused toothpaste is popular, it doesn't mean it's effective. Here are some tips to help you determine if charcoal toothpaste is worth the... read more »

Bad Breath Could Mean More Than You Think

No one wants to be known as the person with bad breath. It can be an embarrassing problem, especially when you've tried everything to fix it. If you've struggled with bad breath, it may be a sign of a deeper issue. It may be tempting to keep popping breath mints, but this may only temporarily mask the problem. Consistently foul breath... read more »

Welcome Fall With a Smile Makeover

Fall is a particular time of year when we spend a great deal of time with others. Many social activities come with fall, making it crucial for your smile to look its best. With the season underway, investing in the smile of your dreams is essential. Here's how a smile makeover works and how you can confidently show off your... read more »

Caring For Your Smile During the Holidays

With the holiday season rapidly approaching, there are ample opportunities to load up on your favorite treats---and cavities in the process. Although you may be tempted to indulge in an abundance of holiday favorites, staying disciplined in your eating habits and oral health routine is essential to maintaining a radiant smile well into the new year. Here are a few... read more »

Getting a Beautiful Smile for Your Holiday Photos

You may be reluctant to participate in holiday pictures if you have gaps or crooked teeth. In years past, fixing your smile was a time-consuming project, often meant wearing unsightly and embarrassing equipment. Before you dodge taking Christmas photos for another year, there may be an option to help you get long-lasting results quickly. Instant orthodontics can provide hope for... read more »

Ditch the Metal With These Innovative Fillings!

Our diet can play a critical role in our health. While most of us try our best to maintain appropriate eating habits, more is needed to prevent cavities. For some people, developing cavities means that metal fillings are around the corner and must be used to treat cavities. Although metal fillings are effective in treating cavities and have been used... read more »

Welcome to Our New Blog!

Here at Warr Dental, we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and area of expertise here on our website through these articles. Each... read more »

Why Aren’t My Teeth Whitening?

Having a bright smile can significantly boost your confidence. It can damage your self-esteem if your smile doesn't look its best. Many people try many strategies to boost the quality of their smile, but only some traditional teeth whitening strategies can get the job done. This can be particularly frustrating to those who have tried everything to whiten their teeth only to... read more »